BA (Hons) Victoria University in Wellington, BEc ANU, MAdminStds ANU, FCIPS
Tony brings to CourtHeath a wealth of knowledge and experience from years spent in the Australian public sector. During those years, Tony was instrumental in developing policy and guidance, managing service delivery, leading change initiatives, reviewing government procurement frameworks and advising on strategy and probity.
For a number of years, Tony was the head of the Australian government’s central procurement body and led a government-wide reform process. Subsequently, he led a centre of expertise in procurement and risk management at the Victorian Department of Infrastructure. A highlight was the creation of an online guidance system for procurement that won an IPAA commendation for innovation in 1999. The system is still in use. He also led the department to become the first Australian organisation to achieve CIPS certification for Excellence in Purchasing Policies and Procedures.
Tony has represented Australia in various international forums and investigated related trade policy issues. He also worked as a procurement adviser in development assistance in Indonesia through the ISP3 Program to strengthen public procurement. Tony has been an active participant in procurement professional bodies for many years and was an invited member of the inaugural Steering Group of senior procurement specialists advising CIPS on the professional procurement agenda in Australia.